Email Marketing Services Shore Up Compliance for Better Deliverability

Like any digital marketer, I use email service providers to reach my prospects and make them aware of my services through the power of emails. I'm also managing clients' campaigns, crafting engaging messages, and diligently tracking open rates.
But last week, I received an unexpected message from my one of my email service providers (ESP). As I read through the message, I learned that email delivery changes were coming this month. The message said I needed to act immediately. Here's what that digital alarm was all about.
Google and Yahoo!, the giants of hosted Inboxes, announced new rules regarding bulk sender policies for 2024 and they rolled out this month.
But what exactly does this mean for you? Well, if you're sending 5000 emails per day, you fall under the category of bulk senders. But the new rules are aimed at ensuring a better email experience for all of us.